Mystic’s Approach to Job Search obsoletes Cool-aid, (unless a marry prankster procured it for you personally) fairy dust, and even reason

bso crest drawingSo I’m sitting around in a “computer resource room”… that’s filled with PCs… as my job coach / counselor works on this resume of mine.. that we did last week but couldn’t find today… for whatever reason.

I’m going after an internship at a local cable access station

I had thought getting into a cable access station… for purposes of equipment access.. would be rather important given the demise of my video camera.. which was kind of required for all the thought, and planning, and whatever… that I’ve been doing about how to get a job… so I must do something.

The idea of an internship sounds good.. I guess mainly because it would be an opportunity to upgrade certain key video related skills, add to the network… and just sorta get me in a particular sort of routine… and have more exposure to more people.. and it may just be interesting.

That and I can feel it in my bones, that a job will come out of taking this path… that there are maybe times when you can trust that jobs will come to you.. almost without you having to do anything….

Err… but I’m talking in a very intuitive and mystical way here…. and you might not be hearing what I’m REALLY saying because it COULD be mistaken for something other then what it is…

Fun with Mysticism

If you sorta re frame job search stuff… and look at in through the prism of a mystic, what do you see? Well… you might say that everything I’m doing has to do with a relationship to a certain God that.. apparently dishes out jobs… and the question is.. what’s this God going to do with me?

In that relationship… even me hanging out at home trying to work out how to build half mad synthesizers inside of Reaktor… or.. spending however much time on mind mapping, procrastinating on social network sites with the idea that maybe this will lead to increased connected-ness… and all manner of stuff like this… are all things this sorta God recognized…

Now… what’s the benefit of the mystic prism over the conventional prism?

bsotwistedcrowlyIn conventional ways of looking things you try and go from point A to point B… in direct a path as possible probably.. but there are all these things you could do, to try and get a job.. that would… sorta be things the God would like.. that wouldn’t be a part of the direct line between where you are and the job you so crave.

We know, I think, some of the limitations of how we normally look at things… How most careers ARE NOT a straight line… BUT… there’s lots of stuff you could do.. that you’ll choose not to… because it doesn’t look like it’ll take you to B… so you reject it because of how it doesn’t work with the model you are using.. where is in our mystic model… it would work.

I guess you could call me like “a pragmatic mystic.”

BSOmadnessimageI’m very interested in how our conceptual frameworks help us to construct our experience of reality… you might say even manufacture reality… and I don’t think we really understand just how important these frameworks are. I have ALOT of friends that.. I think if I suggested that they try out my mystic glasses… we’d have this conversation about atheism and reason… related problems… And so these friends offer a special challenge…and what I’m trying to do in this paragraph is to say “look, the value of a framework is not to be found in its “truth-e-ness” but in it’s pragmatic value.. in helping you try and do whatever it is you are doing… so really… what does reason have to do with anything?

Well it looks like my meeting is over.. and I free… so I must make like a bird and see if there’s any money in my bank account… and… try not to spend that money on smokes… as that would be all I could buy… but the hope is that my next check is at least late at this point…. but I wouldn’t be all that surprised if it turned out to be a week away.