Keys to Success: EDM

I thought this was a really cool little talk from Canadian Music Week

I guess I’m interested in this because I’m an electronic music artist.. and it’s great to kinda see “oh, so this is kinda what the business looks like.” In truth I don’t even understand the culture.. I’m old I suppose.. but I make music with computers and what not.. and I’ve been doing this forever.. .and I’m sorta doing research trying to figure out what the hell my career prospects might look like… and I’m trying to figure out “how the hell would I ever fit into that?”

What’s sorta interesting to me… is I’ve been feeling like I need to learn to do EDM, kinda sorta.. but it’s never totally felt right to me.. and I’m sorta wondering how the hell I’d do it.. but the message that EDM is some kind of a bad word.. for somebody… sorta and that sorta suggests to me that.. what the culture is really all about.. is sorta much closer to where I’m coming from.. then I sorta really realize.

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