My New Twitter Rules

I haven’t been on twitter.. much at all.. for eons… AND… now i’m coming back to it and Twitter has changed how it works…. like.. now I have to un-follow crap loads of people to follow new people… and thank you Jesus.. they’ve made it easier to manage who you follow and all of this…

Anyway.. so I’m not up on current thought of smart people on the subject.. or anything… but here’s my rules for following.

If #1 Someone I follow doesn’t follow me and #2 I’m not sure who the hell they are? I un-follow. It’s mostly that simple with a number of exceptions… but I mean thats it.

AND.. if you follow me I’ll follow back.. I’m old school like that.. till you’re Mr or Mrs Spammy

A good deal latter:

OMG this is painful.. going through and un following people. I was.. like #6, or some shit like that, for most followers from MA.. at one point… which.. is probably pretty bad ass.. still not sure how that happened… so I feel like.. once upon a time I was a somebody.. and no longer.. principally cause I can’t really get out to things… err…

[editors note: I had to un follow over 1000 people.. probably not even done yet.. but done for now]

IF you’re wondering who I am

So.. I’m in your steam and you’re like “who’s that guy” well.. I’m an old timer from way back when “social media was cool” and we didn’t even hate the word… and nobody new WTF Twitter was…

I’m sure if you give me a chance you’ll get to know me but I’ll give you a cheat sheet on my interest and agenda

I’m sorta “interested in everything.” Seriously.. that’s no exaggeration… Philosophy, psychology, political science, geopolitics, arts, music, design, film, cultural anthropology…. marketing..  all sorts of academic madness..

I’m sorta like trying to create my own school of thought and so I just get into all kinds of things and then synthesize them together.

I’m also VERY into technology.. technologist.. blah blah blah…

Ok.. Agenda

I’m living far below the poverty line.. on disability for a serious social phobia issue.. and I’m trying to get work.. .to get employed.. and so that’s a part of what I’m doing here…. cause I SERIOUSLY can’t hack this poverty thing sometimes…

So I am given to talking about mental health issues in an honest and open way sometimes that may be painful.. but just bare with me…

Areas of Professional Acumen

Oh.. and on the job front… err… I’m an artist designer.. kinda media artist… do everything from video production, animation, motion graphics, web design, interactive design… graphic design… umm… what else? I’m working on learning high end 3D graphics at the moment.. know a thing or two about visual effects… know a lot of about social / digital marketing.. been in the space forever…. very smart on the future of anything.. kinda topics umm… what else?

I wont even get into the music production subject

I don’t know.. here’s a link to my linked in.. if you can help thats groovy…. or if I can help you for that matter? It’s probably mostly true at least? 😉

Err.. .yeah.. so I’m working on this job search thing… which is kinda a big idea land um… hmm.. what else?

Well I’m hoping to make friends.. hope I can help people on there personal adventure… and blah blah blah.. but truly and sincerely.

Lastly.. not that.. .whatever.. but yeah.. I’ll be updating things here and there and wherever

Oh yeah.. and I should probably mention I tweet at @MattSearles

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